How to Go Camping While Pregnant

Pregnancy camping is a healthy and positive experience. Exercising in nature and spending time away from your normal routine may be both invigorating and restful; everything a mother-to-be needs! However, even if you have a low-risk pregnancy, speak to your OB before you plan your trip and ask them for advice about what is safe and what activities to avoid.

Camping while pregnant may be just what you need, as expectant mothers develop cabin fever by being home most of the time. Going camping is an ideal outdoor activity, but how good or bad the experience will be, depends on how far you are along in the pregnancy and how prepared you are for any situation.

This article will discuss the requirements for going camping while you are pregnant. We will cover everything from clothes, food, and beverages, to sleeping gear and everything you need to have a comfortable camping experience.

How To Camp While You Are Pregnant?

If you’re healthy and happy and your pregnancy is going smoothly, there is no reason why you can’t enjoy camping. Of course, there are several things you’ll need to do a bit differently than if you weren’t expecting, and you’ll have to take appropriate safety precautions.

Pregnancy is a beautiful yet stressful time. Your stress levels will decrease when you spend time outside in the open air and the presence of friends or family. You can have the best camping experience while pregnant if you make sure you have everything you need at home.

Camp Packing & Preparation For Pregnant Woman

Pregnant women have specific needs. Therefore, there are several things to consider while preparing and packing for a camp trip, such as;

Choose Low Altitude Campsites

Due to lower oxygen levels, pregnancy may be negatively affected by traveling to high elevations. The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) warns pregnant women traveling to high altitudes that they shouldn’t engage in strenuous physical activity there because of the greater risk of increased heart rate and dyspnea in women who are not acclimated to the altitude.

They also say that you shouldn’t sleep at an altitude of more than 12,000 ft and take it easy as you ascend to higher elevations during your trip.

Prepare For A Medical Emergency

Even though it’s improbable that you’ll need medical attention, it’s always a good idea to be prepared. It’s better to avoid camping in extremely distant areas. If you have any queries for your obstetrician, you should check your phone’s reception.

However likely it is that everything will go off without a snag, it is still a good idea to take a little caution. Likewise, you should contact your doctor before you go on vacation if they have any ideas or guidance for your unique circumstance.

Make Sure There Are Comfortable & Safe Bathroom Facilities

Remember that pregnant women have increased bathroom needs (since babies love to push down on your bladder). Therefore, it is vital to plan accordingly when selecting a campsite. Ensure that your comfort is a top priority during the vacation planning and preparation.

Find out about the bathrooms’ condition and location to decide whether this camping site is the best idea for you. The bathrooms need to be close to camp, and the floors need to be kept dry to prevent you from slipping and falling.

Pack All Your Essentials For Camping While Pregnant

Apart from the usual camping items to pack, such as dishes, blankets, coolers, etc., there are vital items to pack to go camping while you’re pregnant. These include;

Comfortable Footwear

Keep in mind that your feet tend to enlarge throughout pregnancy; therefore, if you plan on walking or standing for long periods, such as while hiking, you must pack comfortable footwear. The possibility of swelling necessitates packing additional pairs of shoes and boots, preferably one size larger than you usually wear.

Remember that pregnancy could make you unsteady on your feet, so any footwear you choose must have an excellent grip to keep you sturdy and upright. Furthermore, ensure the trails you hike are flat and easy to follow to reduce the risk of falling.

Prenatal Medication & Medical Equipment

It is vital to take your prenatal vitamins every day, so make sure you don’t forget to pack them and any additional meds like antacids, acetaminophen, etc., you need. Take a blood pressure monitor if you experience any problems with it while pregnant.

Protection From The Sun

Many pregnant women experience increased sensitivity to sunlight, a condition known as photosensitivity. Sunlight is thought to be the causative factor of melasma which are brown spots it leaves on the face.

Therefore, using and frequently reapplying sunscreen is vital. To further protect your skin, pack a large sun hat and try to stay in the shade if possible.

Protection From Bugs & Other Pests

Pregnant women are extremely susceptible to mosquito bites. There’s also the risk of getting bitten by ticks. Covering your entire body is always useful, and having a mosquito net will also come in handy while camping.

Similarly, there are times when it’d be smart to use bug spray. Wear bug spray and long trousers to protect yourself from ticks and mosquitoes if you plan on going hiking, and always inspect yourself properly for ticks afterward.

A High-Quality Cooler

Bacteria such as Listeria can cause severe congenital disabilities to your unborn baby if they are introduced to a pregnant woman’s diet. Inadequate cooler cleaning and poor sanitation at the campsite can promote the growth of harmful microorganisms. Purchasing a high-quality cooler and keeping things clean will be a wise investment.

Getting There: The Journey To Camp

If you’re going camping somewhere far away, it’s a good idea to schedule plenty of breaks throughout the journey. To reduce the chance of developing or experiencing any problems or discomfort when pregnant, it is recommended that you get up and move about and stretch your legs regularly.

If you experience motion sickness, you may need to stop more frequently. You may also realize that you must stop for bathroom breaks more often than usual, so factor in extra time for your journey. Unfortunately, you must pick the smoothest route to the campsite even if it is farther. Try to avoid as many bumpy roads as possible.

Go For A Stroll & Take A Hike

While a pregnant woman shouldn’t go bungy jumping or sky diving, it’s a cultural misconception that expecting women are fragile. However, research and clinical practice in the current era of medicine have proven otherwise. You can confidently set out on a camping trip, but remember to keep your requirements and necessities in mind as you go.

Joint pain is common during pregnancy because of the hormone relaxin, which causes the ligaments and tendons that support the joints to loosen up. Joint discomfort will be with you constantly as a result. If you just can’t escape the feeling of unease, going for a stroll about the campsite at any hour of the night may help.

Being outside in the fresh open air and getting some exercise can help reset your body. Spending a minute gazing at the stars is preferable to tossing, turning, and despising your companion for sleeping peacefully alongside you. Hiking is a common activity for pregnant campers and is healthy and safe.

Make Sure There Are Hospitals Nearby

Find out how far or close away the nearest hospital is from the campsite, and check to see if there is an OBGYN on call at any of the local hospitals. This is of paramount importance if you are very far along or have a high risk of miscarriage and other complications.

Camping In Different Trimesters

Low-risk pregnancies allow women to continue participating in many of their favorite activities, such as going on camping trips. Your camping experience depends on how far along you are in your pregnancy. Each trimester has its own ups and downs. Let’s look at how your experience will be below;

First Trimester

There is some medical consensus that the first 3 months of pregnancy (first trimester) are not the best time to embark on a long-distance flight or car journey. Although it’s not unreasonable to do so, the first 3 months are the most dangerous because of the increased chance of spontaneous abortion and miscarriage.

Second Trimester

Your second trimester is typically the most pleasant for outdoor activities such as camping because that’s when the majority of pregnant women have reported feeling most energetic.

Third trimester

Just when you feel on top of the world during your second trimester, the 3rd trimester arrives, and most women find that they are very uncomfortable during this stage.

If your discomfort is too often, this might not be the best time to go camping. It would help to consider that there is always a possibility that you can go into early labor and a campsite is the last place you’ll want to be when that happens.

9 Months Pregnant

It is not recommended to go on a camping trip when you are 9 months pregnant (unless it is in your backyard!). While getting out of the house seems like a dream at this stage, the last thing you want is to go into labor at a campsite. As tempting as it sounds, you may want to consider going camping after the baby is born.

Which Snacks Are Best While Pregnant?

Most pregnant women experience nausea and intolerances to certain foods, especially during the first trimester. While some pregnant women’s symptoms improve after this trimester, others’ symptoms can persist throughout the full nine months until the baby’s birth.

Make sure you pack snacks that help you through your morning sickness. Foods high in protein and fiber, including cashew and almond nuts, cheese sticks, crackers, carrots, sugared-ginger chews, yogurt, or anything else that sounds good, are essential when camping while pregnant.

It’s smart to pack a little extra than you think you’ll need in case even the thought of what’s cooking suddenly makes you feel sick; you have other options that won’t make you nauseous. Also, you should ensure you have enough to eat during the day, like hiking snacks and beverages, because the increased exercise may raise your appetite slightly.

Everyone knows a coffee first thing in the morning at camp is a must, however, try to limit your caffeine intake and instead make sure you pack herbal teas, hot chocolate, lots of water, and other beverages you enjoy that are not harmful to the baby.

What Type Of Bed Is Best For Pregnant Woman While Camping?

Pregnancy discomforts when camping are similar to those experienced everywhere; nevertheless, with some extra TLC, you should maintain your usual comfort level. While camping while pregnant isn’t easy, it’s well worth it.

After the first trimester, pregnancy might make it difficult to get a good night’s sleep. Many women complain of leg and hip pain and lower back discomfort. That is why your sleeping space and surface need to be as comfortable as possible. It should also be elevated to make getting up easier than if you were on the ground.

If you don’t get enough comfortable sleep during your camping trip, you won’t have an enjoyable experience. Pack a high-air mattress or a thick sleeping pad on top of an elevated surface to aid with this. Remember to bring your pregnant pillow if you normally use one or other items that make you feel comfortable while sleeping.

It’s important to remember that nighttime is when you’re most likely to overheat, so even if it’s cool outside, you might want to pack a thin blanket in case it gets a bit hot and bothered inside your tent. You should also consider bringing a comfy chair, perhaps one that reclines so you can put your feet up and relax throughout the day.

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